Showing posts with label 1985. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1985. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Back with a blast from the past!

Dundee 1985 (Jesus, 27 years ago!!)
Loads of memories brought flooding back from these flicks, mainly around the breakers at that time sporting Kleim trackies, spending Saturdays at the "Slessor" and graff just starting to take off. Good, good times. Cheers to Bip, a true pioneer for the scene in Dundee, for passing these through. Hopefully more to follow along with a few words from Bip himself.

Saturday, 18 June 2011


Flick from 85. This was inside a power station. Probably not the brightest idea by the person involved.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Back in the day....................

Green gunge and spray can exploding from the piece inspired by?????

Old school hating!

Even back in 85 there were haters!!!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Old skool bboys glasgow plazza 84-85

Courtesy of Monstercolors - Old skool bboys Glasgow plazza 84-85 fast mills from Archie G.C.B. And Billy Todd L.C.C....................Dynamite!!

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Character by Cozmo

First piece of graff that i saw being painted in the flesh, pretty sure it was July 85.

1985 (?)


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Jaze - Dundee 1985

Jaze - in progress
Jaze - finished
Align CentreJF
Crime of the 80's

Some real old school classic flicks from a real legend within the Dundee scene. Jaze was responsible for the "flying fox" piece (view here) under the kingsway. At the time these were a real inspiration and its great to see these again after all these years.

press clipping 1986

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Old schoolin!

Found this flick of the classic Beat Street inspired ghetto on the net tonight.
This from 85 and was painted on the back of one of the school buildings within Linlathen High in Dundee. That building took a real hit and had some crackin pieces on it (obviously this is not one of them) - wish i had the flicks.
And before you ask - no im not sure who the sexy chicks are!

Monday, 10 November 2008

more old school sketches

Rough Kids Piece and...

original sketch from 1985 (23 years old!)

Thursday, 29 May 2008

The roots Pt 2

More old school treats for you courtesy of the Monstercolors crew.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

The roots of Scottish graff

For me the real roots of Scottish graff are within flicks like this. Breakin was a massive phenonamumble back in the early mid eighties and this is where our graff scene was born. Yeah there were people writing their name before that but i dont buy into the fact that that is graff as we know it. People make a decision to pursue the graff line rather than the "Boab was here" thing and this is the point in time that those decisions were made. As well as being a breaker lots of guys tried their hand at graff and this is where the first real explosion came from. These flix are from Glasgow, The Plaza i think, and were submitted by the Monstercolors crew. If you look hard at these flix you may see a familiar face.

Its all about burnin'

Monday, 5 May 2008

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Old School Glasgow

Zorro FBA

Big thanks to the MonsterColors crew for this flick. More old school loveliness courtesy of monstercolors to come.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Dundee 1985


Clatto water tower in Dundee.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Trailer truck throw up - 1985

Note the CAP styled "A"