Tuesday, 15 February 2011


Sole and odra


MisterMan said...

I'd say the PAPER is the best of the lot, probably most creative. The Charo by odra is good too.

Anonymous said...

The odra by sole is seriously rocking in the flesh! this pic does not do it justice.never by arek is clean to the bone.


Anonymous said...

The paper is horrendous, rest are nice. esp sole odra wall.

Anonymous said...

Paper is the most eye catching piece of the lot. The use of vibrant, energetic colour makes it instantly pop out from the wall. The abstract structure depicts elements from Pablo Picasso’s cubism period, with a modern twist. Paper is definitely a name to keep an eye out for.

Also a fan of Nevers’ old school style.

Anonymous said...

the paper is fuckin cool! really liking that shit - arak

Anonymous said...

"The abstract structure depicts elements from Pablo Picasso’s cubism period, with a modern twist"

Paper is also profoundly influenced by Hieronymus Bosch and his oranges...

froot said...

hahahaha Paper has now got publicists in the comment section as well as being the semi prolific Artfag about town. Should change his name to Mr Baw-wash.

I do quite like that piece though.:p

Is the character in the swap a nod to Keo,the comic book or the rapper?

Anonymous said...

never and sole are good

Anonymous said...

Fact- the paper thing may stand out due to the colours used but is nothing more than circles and half circle shapes pushed together. This guy aint picasso and is frankly far from it,yeah ok its original but its nowhere near the quality of everything ells.think its cool how odra and sole did each others words. Like papers work reminds me of looking at modern art, where you can ram shapes together, with no structure and it still be called art, abstract watever like! Who cares how clean somthing relly is, its the idea that counts in my opinion, frankly the never is boring but does pop and looks better than what never would have painted himself.

Anonymous said...

sorry but picasso is a bit far, it looks like the comon wealth symbole with a few semi circles attached, geez a break, papers alright but wouldebnt be giving him that much credit.

MisterMan said...

Oh, it's worth mentioning the NEVER is by AREK...

Anonymous said...

That paper is seriously class! Tbh they are all good but paper stands out from the page...keep it up Mr.P


Old Fart said...

Whats so old school about the Never? Nice piece funky bubble letters don't see the connection with old school however?

Anonymous said...

I'm really liking the Paper, there stuff is different at least. Nice to see.


Anonymous said...

*there* stuff is different at least. Nice to see?

Anonymous said...

froot said...

haha Paper has now got publicists in the comment section as well as being the semi prolific *Artfag* about town. Should change his name to *Mr Baw-wash*

*I do quite like that piece though* :p

And the Mr *Baw-wash* of the year award go's to your right people this guy

Sounds like you have a problem with the actual writer

not his art..

Anonymous said...

I've never met anyone in the whole scene who has a good word to say about paper but on one of his photos online there's a power of anonymous praise. hmmmm...
paper isn't worth any time or attention nor is this piece, feeling mostly everything else though!

Anonymous said...

all the praise on this page is self promotion.
enough talk on the net and lets see some more action

Anonymous said...

never and sole for me!