Wednesday, 16 February 2011

One Mor - Fallen Angelz

Smog posted a comment about One Mor having an exhibition recently. Thought I'd chase it up and include some stuff I found.

First up, here is an interview

Exhibition Promo Vid:

The artworks

Flix from the exhibition opening at Blackall Studios

View more at his website and also at agents of change

Just posting cos he was a major Edinburgh graff head and to show what he is up to these days. New stuff above, older flicks below and here


Smog said...

Steve: I remember painting a wall in Edinburgh in around ‘93 and stepping back from the piece and thinking to myself, ‘Yeah! I’m finally good at this.’ I had come into my style and I recalled thinking if I was a passer by looking at this I would rate it. It was a turning point for me and a realisation that I could not only do this well, but that I wanted to keep on doing it and getting better and better, so that was a good feeling.

Good quote his pieces from the Meadowbank spot definitely started the ball rolling i always remember the Destruction is the art of creation wall with the red and silver One Mor being a standout his style kept evolving throughout the 90's for me the ultimate One Mor piece has to be the one he painted at the 1998 Walls On Fire event in bristol (organised by Banksy before he really took off) can't find a photo of either of those pieces .

Smog said...

Bristol wall

EEZ? said...


I've added it to the post.