Tuesday, 7 December 2010



Smogerone said...

Mode 2 !

Garage style the tracer on the wand is topper .

Thats some dupli color going on there. Another thing about old paints they were crap for outlining prone to shit pressure and coverage wise they never went far even the 400ml tins. It took a lot of paint to do somthing back then unless you painted miniature pieces which a lot of people did.

Jay Star said...

Any chance someone has a flick of the Freeze piece that was in Linlathen (i think)? I remember it had a mickey mouse/wizard character next to it too. It's very old as I only remember it as a young'un. Not sure who it's by, would just love to see it again. Safe

MrVera said...

think i have one somewhere. i did that piece with a load of ruff'yins from mid as a workshop. It was on the side of someones house who had given permission for us to paint it to stop people writing Mid rool all over it.

Jay Star said...

ahh sweet! hopefully you can find it. haha, good job then, however i do like gang graffiti on some strange level. I also remember a wall on the side of a newsagents nearby, which said "(name of shop owner)'s supersave store" or something, think it's still there.