Tuesday, 7 September 2010

more from the Burgh..

Azby and Ohks
Detail - Elph(?)

Sole and Odra


Anonymous said...

all minted! dont no about the banana man tho..

Dj Lance Rok said...

What you think the Azby Ohks and Paper look on par with the Elph, Odra & Sole pieces?? Do you have a real opinion ? Ohks is 99.9 percent of the time shit this new Ohks piece however takes shit to new brown depths. What goes around Ohk's mind every time he goes to paint? It's the same shit he's been throwing at the wall since he started out it's never got any better infact it's never been any good to begin with the bloke is bereft of talent seriously how can anyone claim to like an Ohks Piece and an Elph at the same time.
what satisfaction can he get from struggling to make a mess on a wall is it a test of some sort maybe a government run thing to see if someone with no artistic/drawing skills whatsoever can if they try for over 4 years to make a group simple letters stand out on a wall (graffiti is not difficult lets get that sorted out now the majority of the kids who started this shit in nYC were 12-15 years old theres no excuse to be shit) . That Paper dub (sadly for Ohks the Paper is better than anything he's ever sharted in his baggy wigger pants) again another toy getting shine on the blog maybe in 4 months times even a year lets see it develop beyond a glorified throw up saying that isn't that the majority of todays Graffeety bubble letters tired cliches repeated over and over by people who have no interest in bettering there shit to some level which actually burns. On a more positive note the Odra , Sole & News pieces below Roc Hard as do the Taio ones previous.

MrVera said...

L Rock - "again another toy getting shine on the blog"

You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

Some people actually like Paper, Ohks and some dont.

If it was down to personal taste i wouldnt post half as much stuff up as i do but i "try" to get as much stuff up as possible. I know that there is loads of flicks and writers missing but the only thing stopping me posting more is the lack of contributions. I dont have the time to get about as much as a would like. If you want to see particular writers/styles on the blog then please send some flicks in. Not a criticism but just trying to let you understand some of the things that impact on the content of the blog. There are a lot of people (might only be one actually as most comments are left anonymously) who are out there moaning about what is and isnt on this blog. However there are only 4 or 5 people who actually regularly contribute to the content. If people want more of what they like on the blog then they need to send in flicks for posting or get in touch and i can see about setting them up with access to post flicks.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I like ohks' stuff, it's a refreshing change from most generic graff, besides he seems a sound guy too!

Dj Lance the dance said...
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Anonymous said...

the paper is shit, all his stuff is.

This paper is shit I take it your talking about the silver dub? If so, what do you dislike or is it just that you dislike the colouring, letterings and or style? Compared to the sole, odra & elph pieces yes it is shit seeing as it is a dub, less time less paint.

Your opinion is worth fuck all because the shit you wrote was jibberish and you should try give some useful feed back on how not to make it "shit" assuming you write yourself, and all my stuff is varied at the moment to be honest, just trying to find a good style, what appeals to me not you.

Like another poster said; there is no point throwing the same generic letter forms up over and over like some writers do.

Plus theres no way you have seen all the stuff i've done.

love from Paper =)

Anonymous said...

the paper is shit, all his stuff is.

This paper is shit I take it your talking about the silver dub? If so, what do you dislike or is it just that you dislike the colouring, letterings and or style? Compared to the sole, odra & elph pieces yes it is shit seeing as it is a dub, less time less paint.

Your opinion is worth fuck all because the shit you wrote was jibberish and you should try give some useful feed back on how not to make it "shit" assuming you write yourself, and all my stuff is varied at the moment to be honest, just trying to find a good style, what appeals to me not you.

Like another poster said; there is no point throwing the same generic letter forms up over and over like some writers do.

Plus theres no way you have seen all the stuff i've done.

love from Paper =)

Elph said...

Mofookers on dat haterade,
But ma plugins they smell fresh like Glade.
Country music style they will invade,
We should rock styles like King Thomas Kinkade.

Everything is deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Different strokizzle for different mofizzles.
I like this blog as it isn't biased towards any one thing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This blogs just like Duncan Cummin'
Most folk hating, some folk bummin'
Flicks are good, in fact i'm cumin'
Shower for me now, ma boz are hummin'

Keith said...

Paper your forms are among the most generic you are one of many daft wee bubble throw up shapes wee girls blouse graffiti. You think your stretching the limits of graffiti you ever seen subway art? Cap made acareer out of throw ups end of.

Anonymous said...

yo the comments above that were from 'never' wernt from me. quite weird how someone has used my name like this to diss people im pals with, oh well the internet is full of fannys. If you could delete the comments that would be good SG, dont want people to think those are my views! cheers

never tck

Elph said...

Ok Anonymous man.
Just be specific about what you want to see.
Just type in the names of exactly who you want to see and they'll put them up.

Just type:
"I would like to see more stuff by..." and be specific not vague.

MrVera said...

re the capitano's comments to "anonymous" - I cant post up what i dont have.

If "anonymous" sends in flicks, like some others do, then i will post them up. If he doesnt, then he will just have to look at what everyone else contributes and continue to moan.