Sunday, 31 January 2010


Elph detail

Baby and Mr Vera


Anonymous said...

that Debt piece is brilliantly bonkers.
Nice with the Stay High Detail.
Baby & Vera outstanding. love the man with the VK stuffed in his mouth!

I have a bad tendency to fall in Love with Elphs Girl characters & so am having a chug whilst typing this.
My Helmet on her Helmet.......

MrVera said...

unfortunately there were a few other piece there that i didnt take flicks of as they had been dissed by people drawing cocks on them etc. Unless the cocks were meant to be there!!!!

Elph said...

Yep, Debt and C-Pops for prezidente!
That Baby/Vera is a toppersteiner tae!

Mieone said...

Debts piece is topper great colours somebody should post the C- Pops n naw.