Monday, 3 August 2009




Anonymous said...

fucking great!

EEZ said...

This was from the first event. Also painting as per the Inkie deds were Rough (London), Part 2 (York), Crise and Juice (Birmingham) and System (North Wales).

There is def a vid of this stashed away somewhere - maybe sort in a few weeks. I did the vid editing and soundtrack while at college. Turned out ok.

I was going to call the event 'The Big Payback' (I saw it on an club Edinburgh flyer and liked the vibe) but as my input was just getting the people together the name, wait for it, was 'Don't Die Wondering' - I only found out when I saw the council arts programme flyer thingy for the month ahead. Man that was a shit name.

I was like 'EH!' and they were giving it, don't die wondering - come along and check out what happening. Awful, awful. Luckily I stuck through the shite and pulled of Under Pressure eventually.

The boards (5 * 8 by 4's) turned out cool though and went on a touring exhibition, Motherwell Civic Centre being one of them.

The allknowing graff karma vibe has been unleashed so we shall see what the next few weeks bring,

EEZ aka Twinkle in yer da's eye, said...

Quick memory nonlapse.

I had an exhibiton of my stuff on to coincide with this. Photos panels and about 8 pieces (6 by 4s mostly). Only a couple of flicks survived including,

After the event at Livi Skatepark the boards were put on display at a Sports Centre where we also had a talk and slideshow from a London Community worker who was pushing for grants/recognition/assistance for graff cats (his name has completely gone - sorry mate. I shall remember and update).

After 17 years the memory banks need a bit of pummeling to kick in.

I also did some workshops in the sports centre as part of the festivities.

Anyway, just a wee bit of background waffle incase you weren't even born then ;-)

Mieone said...

David Holloway was the arts worker from London who came to do the talk, the only reason i know this is from watching this video on youtube

Which is Holloway and a bunch of notable London writers of the time appear in .

Seem to remember HHC running some photos of the work from this show a really nice Prime canvas if i remember correctly.

The work is very much of it's time loads of De La Soul daisy age type references and acid inspired abstracts . Only a year later and most of this scene disappeared due to the Acid House take over.

Mieone said...

Real reason for posting was this Inkie piece was the first time i had ever seen an entire piece outlined and detailed in poscas to good effect.
I'm sure this was one of the first pieces Inkie had painted in a while i think like many late 80's writers he had taken a break and was involved in clubs etc to this day this style still looks original .

BETA said...

I met with David Halloway recently actually... interesting dude. Did he do the talk in Livingston?