Sunday, 30 August 2009

Dundee graffiti discussion on Radio Scotland

Have a listen. Full of the usual cliched nonsense by the callers but ........

The discussion was raised due to this article being published in a local newspaper.


Anonymous said...

banksy, wanksy. love the boy talking about trees growing out of buildings.

Anonymous said...

that was the fuckin' best bit,
"i mean, there's trees gowin' oot o' buildin's... TREES!"

the grass who this is about has his card marked.

Anonymous said...

Why must EVERY news story about Graffiti end up with a discussion about banksy?

You'd think he fucking invented it.

Conzo said...

HA! Love hearng the aged graffiti arguement 'Art or vandalism' its like telling a small kid how space goes on and on and has no end.... the arguemnt just goes and on and on!

This idea shows some promise and a step up (letting the public vote online and not let the council decide if its art) heard about it when I was flickin channels through morning tv.. it was that show with the old lesbian woman bitching about there periods and how they hate all men