Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Damn councils are at it again!!

Legal spot removed

These boards have been up for the past few years covered in fly posters publicising the upcoming nights at the club and no action was taken to remove them. As soon as it becomes a legal spot for painting then there is a rush to get them down.

What is wrong with councils/government in the UK - do they not realise that zero tolerance is NOT the way forward?


Anonymous said...

that's pretty shit. the boards looked good. but way forward for what?

MrVera said...

The way forward in their tackling of graffiti. Take away a legal spot and people will just find somewhere else, more than likely an illegal spot, to go paint.

Anonymous said...

yes exactly. and that's a good thing surely...

Anonymous said...

oh for fuck sake, scottish graffiti is talking about from the councils perspective, regarding tackling graffiti. Surely this isnt the place to flash hard core graff credentials?

MrVera said...

JP - I respect what you are saying but anonymous is 100% correct, i was talking from the council perspective of things.

Anonymous said...

Typical of the council, aboot 5 years ago i organised a meeting with my local councillor about a legal wall in dundee, and told him how it would reduce the amount of illegal graff around the town.

he then organised a meeting with myself and the head of the leisure and arts board, who i must say was a rather inconsiderate nipple. his soloution to the growing graffiti problem in dundee was... "eh, well when dudhope opens that skatepark, feel free tae pent that kehn?"

One must say i am not in the least bit surprised, as Dundee shitty coonsul probably couldn't organise and orgy in a brothel.